If you are looking for homemade Mexican meals that have a traditional and delicious flavor, you cannot miss our next list. The best part is that these dishes will serve to pamper the belly of all family members for each day of the week. Don't miss out on these homemade Mexican meals!
Tlalpeño Soup with ChicharrónNothing beats the flavor of a classic tlalpeño soup, perfect for cold seasons. But this time we give it a twist because it's accompanied by crunchy, tasty chicharrón.
Chicken Milanesa with MoleGive a twist to the typical chicken milanesa with this tasty recipe that is accompanied by a delicious Mexican red mole. It's finger-licking good!
Cream of Corn with PoblanoNothing will please your stomach more than this succulent cream of corn with poblano chili. It's served with strips of poblano, corn kernels, and crispy tortilla strips that add an incredible crunch.
Gallina Pinta Style SonoraThis gallina pinta, originating from the state of Sonora, is a broth that serves as a complete meal since it includes pinto beans, meat, and pozole corn. There's no better homemade Mexican meal!
Easy PapadzulesPrepare an unmatched homemade Mexican meal with these delicious papadzules, a type of Mayan enchiladas that will surely delight anyone who tries them.
Veracruz-style Fish with Güero ChilesVeracruz-style fish is a typical dish that fuses the flavors of Mexican cuisine with Spanish cuisine. This delicious dish is made with tomatoes, olives, capers, and güero chiles.