eggs are one of the most popular foods in Mexican cuisine, as they are not only the base of breakfasts, but also serve to accompany spicy green chilaquiles, batter a stuffed pepper, make homemade punch, and prepare all kinds of delicious desserts.
As you can see, eggs are essential in the diet of Mexicans and are also a staple for cooking; however, their benefits go far beyond that, as their consumption has a very positive impact on health. Here we tell you what the
benefits of eating eggs are!
You can also read: 6 egg masks for hair and skinBenefits of eating eggs1.
They are a source of protein The portal
WebMD mentions that consuming eggs is a great idea, as each egg contains about 6 grams of protein, as well as essential amino acids.
It is a very complete food If you want to consume a good amount of vitamins and minerals, then eggs are your best option, as they are rich in:
- Antioxidants
- Phosphorus
- Protein
- Selenium
- Vitamin A
- Vitamins B2, B5, and B12
- Vitamin D
They strengthen the brain Thanks to their high vitamin D content, eggs are perfect allies for strengthening the brain, as they also contain a nutrient called choline, which is ideal for the proper functioning of neurons.

Increases “good” cholesterolHDL cholesterol, also known as "good" cholesterol, increases when people consume three eggs a day; however, "bad" cholesterol (LDL) also increases, so it’s best to eat them in moderation and accompany your breakfasts with a good portion of vegetables and fiber.
They help control triglycerides The portal WebMD points out that egg consumption could help lower triglyceride levels, which will keep your heart healthy and strong.
They will make you feel satisfied Thanks to their protein content, eggs are the perfect food if you are looking to control portions, as they will make you feel satisfied for longer, preventing you from eating unhealthy things.
Now that you know the many benefits of consuming this nutritious food, we reveal whether they should be washed and how to tell if an egg is rotten, take note!
You can also read: Can I eat eggs if I have high triglycerides?Do eggs need to be washed?A couple of months ago, we published an article explaining whether
eggs should be washed or not before being stored, as this is a very relevant health and hygiene issue for our readers.
The answer is no,
eggs should not be washed, as the shell has an outer layer that keeps bacteria away from the yolk and egg white. So, if you wash the eggs with water and soap, the protective layer is destroyed, making it easier for bacteria like salmonella to enter.
Additionally, eggs must be stored properly, but this depends on where you bought them. If they were refrigerated at the store, it is best to store them in the refrigerator when you get home, while if they were at room temperature in the supermarket, you can leave them in the kitchen but cook them soon, as they will be fresh for a shorter time.
You can also read: The healthiest way to eat eggs
How to tell if an egg is rotten?Another topic of great interest to kiwilimón readers is food freshness, so a few months ago, we set out to investigate
how to identify if an egg is spoiled.
In addition to checking the color and smell of the
yolk and the
white, you can also use this method to determine how fresh the
egg is.
- Fill a bowl with water.
- Place the egg inside.
- If it sinks, this means it is still fresh.
- If it floats to the surface, it is very old.
Now that you know the benefits of eating eggs, how to identify if they are in good condition, and whether they should be washed or not, it’s time to apply this information to your daily life!