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Plant-based diet, an option against Covid-19
Cares for You

Plant-based diet, an option against Covid-19

By Gretel Morales - 2022-01-21T14:27:34Z
The pandemic came to change our daily lives, as the disease caused by Covid-19 has led millions of people to adopt healthier lifestyles, as well as better eating habits. It is worth noting that, although there are no miracle formulas to prevent contracting the virus, a recent study indicates that people who follow a plant-based diet are less likely to contract the virus and experience severe symptoms.

What is a plant-based diet?

A plant-based diet is a dietary regimen that primarily focuses on the consumption of plant-based foods; however, it is not the same as vegetarianism or veganism.

This type of diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, and oils; however, some people also consume small amounts of animal products. The Mediterranean diet is the perfect example of a plant-based diet.

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The plant-based diet vs. Covid-19

According to a scientific study, good nutrition is key before and during a Covid-19 infection; here’s why.

After analyzing the eating habits of 592,571 people who participated in the study, experts found certain differences between those who consumed healthier foods and those who followed a less nutritious diet. Compared to those on less healthy diets, individuals who ate better had "9% less likelihood of developing Covid-19 and a 41% lower chance of developing severe Covid-19".

On the other hand, scientists explained that while it is essential for everyone to get vaccinated and wear masks, the recent study suggests that “individuals can potentially reduce their risk of contracting Covid-19 or having an unfavorable outcome by paying attention to their diets.”

You can also read: Nutrition in times of Covid

How can I adopt a plant-based diet?

If you want to adopt a plant-based diet and improve your health, these tips will be very helpful:

1. Incorporate all kinds of vegetables into your meals and fill at least half of your plate with vegetables of various colors.

2. Reduce the amount of meat you consume. For example, have a small steak and serve yourself double the amount of salad or vegetables.

3. Try cooking vegetarian or vegan recipes at least once a week.

4. It’s time to incorporate healthy fats into your meals: olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocado.

5. Remember that fruit is ideal for dessert or as a snack.

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