What foods contain the highest amount of protein?
Diets and Nutrition

What foods contain the highest amount of protein?

By Kiwilimón - 2020-12-28T13:29:30Z
Proteins, along with carbohydrates and fats, are part of the nutrients we need for the development of our being.

According to the World Health Organization, proteins are fundamental for health, as they help strengthen bones and muscles, boost the immune system, provide energy, regulate cell activity and function, maintain and repair tissues, and are responsible for the formation of digestive juices, hormones, hemoglobin, enzymes, and vitamins, not bad, right?

Although it is believed that proteins are only present in animal-based foods, such as beef, turkey, chicken, fish, and animal-derived products like milk or eggs, the truth is that they are also found in plant-based foods such as legumes, grains, and nuts.

The best foods with natural protein

Eggs. Eggs are one of the foods with the highest protein content in nature (13 grams per unit). The highest concentration of protein is in the yolk, but this part also contains the highest level of cholesterol and fats, which is why it is recommended to eat only the egg white in a weight loss diet.

Tuna. The protein content of tuna depends on how it is cooked and consumed. Canned tuna, in oil or in water, usually contains more protein than fresh tuna: a can can provide up to 12 grams of protein. However, cans also have a higher concentration of sodium, so they should not be overused.

Chicken. Chicken breast is the white meat that provides the most protein (22 grams per 100 grams of product). Moreover, when grilled, it is lower in calories and fat than other meats.

Salmon. Salmon is an excellent source of high-quality protein, with about 20 grams per 100-gram serving. It is also a fish rich in healthy fats, such as omega-3, making it a highly recommended food in any diet.

Soy. Soy is the plant-based food with the highest protein content (36 grams per 100 grams of food). This makes it perfect for vegetarians or vegans who do not consume meat.

Pistachios. Peanuts and pistachios are the nuts richest in protein, with 24g and 19g per 100 grams, respectively. This makes them a perfect snack.

Cheese. Parmesan cheese is one of the cheeses that contains the most protein, with an amount around 28g per 100 grams of product. A serving will provide you with a significant amount of protein, but you should be careful with its fat content and calories.

Shrimp. Shrimp is an excellent source of protein, with 24 grams per 100 grams of this seafood. Its nutrients are better utilized by the body when consumed boiled or steamed.

Greek yogurt. Greek yogurt can provide up to double the protein of regular yogurt, as it is a much more concentrated product and does not lose casein, a slowly digestible protein, during its production.

Gelatin. Gelatin is a dessert we have eaten since childhood. Although it may not seem like it, it has a high concentration of protein: for every 100 grams, we are ingesting 84 grams of this substance.

It is advisable that in each meal you have, you consume a portion of protein so that your entire body functions optimally. Check our section to learn how to cook and prepare delicious recipes.