You Grew Up Believing These 10 False Myths About Food
Diets and Nutrition

You Grew Up Believing These 10 False Myths About Food

By Kiwilimón - 2018-10-08T17:09:45.875368Z
  You've heard them so many times that you take them as absolute truth. After being told over and over that carbohydrates make you fat and that pizza is junk food, you flee in terror at the slightest craving for dessert or a slice of pizza. What's the good news? Many of the things you believe about healthy eating are just myths. Below we explain why you should stop believing in these 10 myths about nutrition.
  1. Carbohydrates make you gain weight.

Carbohydrates by themselves do not make you gain weight; it's the amount and portions that do. If you stop eating carbohydrates, you will lose weight quickly at first, but it is likely that you will experience a rebound after a while.
  1. You can only benefit from the protein in beans if you combine them with rice.

Proteins are made from a combination of 20 amino acids, but our body can only produce 11 of them. We obtain the remaining 9 from food: animal or plant. However, to benefit from the amino acids in plants, it is not necessary to consume them in the same meal. via GIPHY
  1. Brown sugar is healthier than white sugar.

The difference between these two sugars is that brown sugar has molasses added to it. While this can add some minerals, it is a minimal amount that doesn't make a significant difference between consuming one or the other.
  1. Heating food in the microwave affects its nutrients.

It doesn't matter if it's a microwave, a grill, or a solar oven; it's the heat and the amount of time that affects nutrients. The longer you cook something and the higher the temperature, the greater the loss of nutrients. via GIPHY
  1. Anyone can follow a gluten-free diet.

Unless you have gluten intolerance, consuming gluten-free foods is of no benefit to you.
  1. The egg yolk raises blood cholesterol.

It has been shown that eggs raise good cholesterol levels and do not increase the risk of heart disease. While both the yolk and egg white are full of nutrients, diabetics are advised not to consume them. via GIPHY
  1. To lose weight, you must eat less fat.

This doesn't necessarily work that way. In fact, there are some high-fat diets that can lead to greater weight loss than those that are low in fat.
  1. All calories count the same, regardless of their source.

Not all calories are created equal, as foods and macronutrients are processed in different ways. Their effects can vary depending on hunger, hormones, and health status. via GIPHY
  1. Low-carbohydrate diets are dangerous and increase the risk of heart disease.

Of course, this type of diet is not the best for everyone, but it can definitely bring great benefits for those suffering from obesity, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndromes. Low-carbohydrate diets have been shown to be healthier than low-fat diets.
  1. Pizza is junk food.

In reality, this Italian delight contains three food groups: grains, dairy, and vegetables. If you consume pizza versions made with thin crust, whole wheat flour, low-fat cheese, and vegetables, it can be a healthy option. via GIPHY Forget the myths and enjoy these dishes without guilt:  