6 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1 cup bacon, in cubes
1/2 cups chorizo, chopped
2 cups chicken, in medium cubes
1 cup onion, in medium cubes
2 cups bell pepper, of colors, in medium cubes
1 cup Manchego cheese, grated
corn tortillas, to accompany
salsa, to accompany
7.67 onzas bacon, in cubes
2.6 onzas chorizo, chopped
10.41 onzas chicken, in medium cubes
8.38 onzas onion, in medium cubes
11.11 onzas bell pepper, of colors, in medium cubes
9.17 onzas Manchego cheese, grated
0 corn tortillas, to accompany
0 salsa, to accompany
1 cup bacon, in cubes
0.5 cups chorizo, chopped
2 cups chicken, in medium cubes
1 cup onion, in medium cubes
2 cups bell pepper, of colors, in medium cubes
1 cup Manchego cheese, grated
0 corn tortillas, to accompany
0 salsa, to accompany
217.5 gramos bacon, in cubes
73.75 gramos chorizo, chopped
295 gramos chicken, in medium cubes
237.5 gramos onion, in medium cubes
315 gramos bell pepper, of colors, in medium cubes
260 gramos Manchego cheese, grated
0 corn tortillas, to accompany
0 salsa, to accompany