2 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1/2 golden ripe pineapples, medium, with skin and crown
1 mango, halves cut into slices
1 cucumber, thin, hollowed out, cut into 3 parts
1/4 jicamas, grated
2 carrots, in spaghetti
1 orange
1/2 cups cracker nuts, spicy
1/2 cups spicy peanuts
1/2 cups chamoy candies, of chamoy
1/2 cups strawberry enchilados sweets
4 tamarind pulp enchilada palettes
1/2 cups lime juice
1/2 cups La Botanera® Chilito chile powder
1/2 cups La Botanera® Pulpita Light bittersweet sauce
0.5 golden ripe pineapples, medium, with skin and crown
1 mango, halves cut into slices
1 cucumber, thin, hollowed out, cut into 3 parts
0.25 jicamas, grated
2 carrots, in spaghetti
1 orange
2.73 onzas cracker nuts, spicy
2.07 onzas spicy peanuts
4.45 onzas chamoy candies, of chamoy
5.29 onzas strawberry enchilados sweets
4 tamarind pulp enchilada palettes
4.22 onzas líquidas lime juice
0 salt
2.38 onzas La Botanera® Chilito chile powder
4.22 onzas líquidas La Botanera® Pulpita Light bittersweet sauce
0.5 golden ripe pineapples, medium, with skin and crown
1 mango, halves cut into slices
1 cucumber, thin, hollowed out, cut into 3 parts
0.25 jicamas, grated
2 carrots, in spaghetti
1 orange
0.5 cups cracker nuts, spicy
0.5 cups spicy peanuts
0.5 cups chamoy candies, of chamoy
0.5 cups strawberry enchilados sweets
4 tamarind pulp enchilada palettes
0.5 cups lime juice
0 salt
0.5 cups La Botanera® Chilito chile powder
0.5 cups La Botanera® Pulpita Light bittersweet sauce
0.5 golden ripe pineapples, medium, with skin and crown
1 mango, halves cut into slices
1 cucumber, thin, hollowed out, cut into 3 parts
0.25 jicamas, grated
2 carrots, in spaghetti
1 orange
77.5 gramos cracker nuts, spicy
58.75 gramos spicy peanuts
126.25 gramos chamoy candies, of chamoy
150 gramos strawberry enchilados sweets
4 tamarind pulp enchilada palettes
12.5 centilitros lime juice
0 salt
67.5 gramos La Botanera® Chilito chile powder
12.5 centilitros La Botanera® Pulpita Light bittersweet sauce