This recipe is perfect for those of us looking to live a natural life free from preservatives and artificial flavorings. Make this recipe and try some great and authentic peanut butter!
- Ideal for eating when you have hunger cravings, peanuts satisfy the appetite.
- Spread it on cookies, muffins, or in your oatmeal in the morning.
- Preferably consume within 1 week.
- It can be made with pistachios, almonds, or cashews.
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Juan Martinez Vazquez
2021-03-22 13:57:09 +0000 +0000
buenas tardes lo que les fato en la receta es cuantos mililitros de agua si le pueden poner por favor Gracias
Noelia Rios Aguilera
2018-12-05 17:28:47 +0000 +0000
A m8 entender la receta debe ser light o algo asi. En la receta original lleva 2 cdas de aceite de girasol o vegetal