1 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1/2 cups kale
11/2 cups coconut water
1/4 bananas, ripe, frozen
1 green apple
1 teaspoon cocoa powder, for mixing and for decoration
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
0.4 onzas kale
46.45 onzas líquidas coconut water
0.25 bananas, ripe, frozen
1 green apple
0.06 onzas cocoa powder, for mixing and for decoration
0.17 onzas líquidas vanilla essence
0.5 cups kale
5.5 cups coconut water
0.25 bananas, ripe, frozen
1 green apple
1 teaspoon cocoa powder, for mixing and for decoration
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
11.25 gramos kale
1.38 litros coconut water
0.25 bananas, ripe, frozen
1 green apple
1.7 gramos cocoa powder, for mixing and for decoration
5 mililitros vanilla essence
Nutritional information
* Information per 100g serving, percentage of daily values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Carbohydrate, by difference
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