4 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1 1/2 kilos rose meat
1/2 onions, to cook the meat
1 head garlic, to cook the meat
1 sprig aromatic herbs, to cook the meat
1 cup lard, to cook the meat
water, to cook the meat
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup green onion
corn tortillas
1/4 cups onion, finely chopped
1/4 cups cilantro, finely chopped
red salsa, to accompany
lime, to accompany
3.31 libras rose meat
0.5 onions, to cook the meat
1 head garlic, to cook the meat
1 sprig aromatic herbs, to cook the meat
7.67 onzas lard, to cook the meat
0 water, to cook the meat
1.01 onzas líquidas vegetable oil
3.62 onzas green onion
0 corn tortillas
2.09 onzas onion, finely chopped
0.15 onzas cilantro, finely chopped
0 red salsa, to accompany
0 lime, to accompany
5.77 tazas rose meat
0.5 onions, to cook the meat
1 head garlic, to cook the meat
1 sprig aromatic herbs, to cook the meat
1 cup lard, to cook the meat
0 water, to cook the meat
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 cup green onion
0 corn tortillas
0.25 cups onion, finely chopped
0.25 cups cilantro, finely chopped
0 red salsa, to accompany
0 lime, to accompany
1.5 kilos rose meat
0.5 onions, to cook the meat
1 head garlic, to cook the meat
1 sprig aromatic herbs, to cook the meat
217.5 gramos lard, to cook the meat
0 water, to cook the meat
3 centilitros vegetable oil
102.5 gramos green onion
0 corn tortillas
59.38 gramos onion, finely chopped
4.38 gramos cilantro, finely chopped
0 red salsa, to accompany
0 lime, to accompany