4 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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2 tablespoons granulated chicken broth Mccormick®
500 grams pinto beans, cooked
20 grams garlic
200 grams bacon, chopped into small cubes
100 grams chorizo, chopped
200 grams onion, finely chopped
80 grams pickled Jalapeño chiles, seedless and finely chopped
200 grams sausages, sliced
100 grams pork rinds, chopped
60 grams fresh cilantro, chopped
1.01 onzas líquidas granulated chicken broth Mccormick®
1.1 libras pinto beans, cooked
0.71 onzas garlic
7.05 onzas bacon, chopped into small cubes
3.53 onzas chorizo, chopped
7.05 onzas onion, finely chopped
2.82 onzas pickled Jalapeño chiles, seedless and finely chopped
7.05 onzas sausages, sliced
3.53 onzas pork rinds, chopped
2.12 onzas fresh cilantro, chopped
2 tablespoons granulated chicken broth Mccormick®
4.76 tazas pinto beans, cooked
2.67 cucharaditas garlic
15.33 cucharadas bacon, chopped into small cubes
11.3 cucharadas chorizo, chopped
14.04 cucharadas onion, finely chopped
9.36 cucharadas pickled Jalapeño chiles, seedless and finely chopped
1.45 tazas sausages, sliced
2.86 tazas pork rinds, chopped
3.43 tazas fresh cilantro, chopped
3 centilitros granulated chicken broth Mccormick®
500 grams pinto beans, cooked
20 grams garlic
200 grams bacon, chopped into small cubes
100 grams chorizo, chopped
200 grams onion, finely chopped
80 grams pickled Jalapeño chiles, seedless and finely chopped
200 grams sausages, sliced
100 grams pork rinds, chopped
60 grams fresh cilantro, chopped