Summer potatoes are a delicious dish that is very easy to make, and they are filled with various ingredients that together in one dish provide a delicious and fresh flavor.
You can decorate this delicious dish with basil leaves.
You can also make this dish by stuffing zucchinis instead of potatoes, as shown in the second photograph.
You can prepare mashed potatoes with what you remove from each potato when hollowing them out. Just mix it with a little cream, salt, and pepper, and make sure to mash it perfectly. Use it as a side dish with any other dish.
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Hilda Leon
2013-09-05 18:33:35 +0000 +0000
A través de iOS
Se ven ricas y facil de hacer la receta!! En cuanto las haga subo la foto:)
luis fernando anchondo ruiz
2013-08-19 13:24:47 +0000 +0000
esas papas rellenas se ven muy deliciosas...
Leticia Hernandez
2013-08-19 13:58:53 +0000 +0000
faciles le gusta mucho a los niños tambien se le puede poner chorizo