6 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1 cup Oaxaca cheese, cut into small cubes
1 cup cream cheese
1/2 cups bacon, cut into small cubes and fried
2 tablespoons red onion
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
2 bunches zucchini blossoms, clean
2 eggs
1 cup Bimbo® mexican style breader
cooking spray
1 avocado, for dressing
1/4 cups fresh cilantro, for dressing
1 Habanero chile, roasted for dressing
1/4 cups sour cream, for dressing
1 tablespoon lime juice, for dressing
4.14 onzas Oaxaca cheese, cut into small cubes
7.94 onzas cream cheese
3.84 onzas bacon, cut into small cubes and fried
0.51 onzas red onion
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
2 bunches zucchini blossoms, clean
2 eggs
7.5 onzas Bimbo® mexican style breader
0 cooking spray
1 avocado, for dressing
0.15 onzas fresh cilantro, for dressing
1 Habanero chile, roasted for dressing
2.11 onzas líquidas sour cream, for dressing
0.51 onzas líquidas lime juice, for dressing
1 cup Oaxaca cheese, cut into small cubes
1 cup cream cheese
0.5 cups bacon, cut into small cubes and fried
2 tablespoons red onion
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
2 bunches zucchini blossoms, clean
2 eggs
1 cup Bimbo® mexican style breader
0 cooking spray
1 avocado, for dressing
0.25 cups fresh cilantro, for dressing
1 Habanero chile, roasted for dressing
0.25 cups sour cream, for dressing
1 tablespoon lime juice, for dressing
117.5 gramos Oaxaca cheese, cut into small cubes
225 gramos cream cheese
108.75 gramos bacon, cut into small cubes and fried
14.4 gramos red onion
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
2 bunches zucchini blossoms, clean
2 eggs
212.5 gramos Bimbo® mexican style breader
0 cooking spray
1 avocado, for dressing
4.38 gramos fresh cilantro, for dressing
1 Habanero chile, roasted for dressing
6.25 centilitros sour cream, for dressing
1.5 centilitros lime juice, for dressing