How to choose a pineapple

The pineapple season is here! During the hot months, it's tempting to eat refreshing fruits! Pineapple is rich in fiber and has a high vitamin C content. It's also excellent for combating circulation problems, overweight, cellulite, and helps reduce inflammation with its antiseptic properties. Learn how to choose a pineapple and use it in fresh waters, juices, fruit cocktails, cakes, and ice creams.

How to choose a pineapple

Step by Step

Paso 1
When you're at the supermarket or market, look for pineapples with a bright green crown and, above all, make sure that when you pull the leaves, they come off easily.
Paso 2
Avoid pineapples that have mushy or soft spots or yellow leaves.
Paso 3
Use your sense of smell - if the pineapple gives off a fruity aroma, it means it's good. On the other hand, if it emits a 'fermented' smell, it's already overripe. If it has no scent, it might not be ripe yet.
Paso 4
Another way to know if the pineapple is ripe is by pressing it lightly; if it releases a little juice, it's ready to eat!

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