French fries, with the wedges, you can cook potato wedges, and with the cubes, you can add them to a chicken broth. You won’t believe how easy it is to learn these cuts and how much they will enhance the presentation of your dishes." /> French fries, with the wedges, you can cook potato wedges, and with the cubes, you can add them to a chicken broth. You won’t believe how easy it is to learn these cuts and how much they will enhance the presentation of your dishes." />

3 Different Potato Cuts

In this step-by-step guide, you will learn 3 different potato cuts. These cuts are basic and very useful for countless recipes. For example, with the sticks, you can make French fries, with the wedges, you can cook potato wedges, and with the cubes, you can add them to a chicken broth. You won’t believe how easy it is to learn these cuts and how much they will enhance the presentation of your dishes.

Learn more about Mónica Mateos
Video of 3 Different Potato Cuts

Step by Step

Paso 1
First of all, you need to peel the potato; the easiest way is to use a potato peeler (you can skip this step for the potato wedges).
Paso 2
Once the potato is peeled, cut a slice to create a base so the potato doesn't move while you're cutting it. If you are going to use the potato to make sticks or cubes, it is necessary to cut the ends to form a square, which will improve the quality of your cuts.
Paso 3
Paso 4
In each slice, cut sticks of approximately 1 centimeter. Soak the sticks in water until you are ready to use them.
Paso 5
Paso 6
Paso 7
Make diagonal cuts on the potato, ensuring that the potato wedges are more or less the same size. Once you reach one-third of the potato, place the cut side down on the board (to prevent it from moving) and repeat the diagonal cuts to form the wedges. Soak the wedges in water until you are ready to use them.
Paso 8
Done! You have just learned the 3 basic cuts most commonly used for potatoes.

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