How to Make Piñata Cookies

Prepare these delicious and fun piñata cookies. They are perfect for patriotic celebrations, original, and have a little surprise inside. They are great to make with kids, so get inspired to make them. You will love it!

Learn more about Chupa Chups
Video of How to make Piñata Cookies

Step by Step

Paso 1
Paso 2
Separate the egg whites. Place the butter and sugar in the mixer and beat until the butter is soft. Add the egg whites and vanilla extract. Incorporate the flour and beat until you have a dough. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours.
Paso 3
Remove the dough from the refrigerator and divide it into equal parts. Add food coloring to each portion and roll them out until they are the same thickness.
Paso 4
Cover a rectangular dish with plastic wrap and place each of the layers inside, alternating the colors. Cover and compact the dough with the plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 more hours.
Paso 5
Take the cookie dough out of the refrigerator and remove the plastic wrap. Cut the dough into thin slices, slightly roll them out, and cut the shape of the donkey from each one. For each cookie, you need three pieces; remove the center of one piece with a circular cutter. Bake at 180° C for 12 minutes.
Paso 6
Remove the cookies from the oven and let them cool completely. Place royal icing on one of the cookies and top it with the cookie that has a hole. Add some Mini Mentos® and more royal icing around the edges. Place the last cookie on top.
Paso 7
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