According to the World Health Organization, eating healthily and engaging in some form of exercise contribute to warding off diseases, and while there is a lot of healthy food out there, there is one type of food that not only nourishes you but also has a real benefit for your memory.
Mushrooms are not only one of the healthiest foods in the world due to their high content of fiber, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and antioxidants. This food could also become
miraculous, as including it in your daily diet for more than two days could reduce the risk of memory loss and increase intelligence, according to a study from the National University of Singapore.
This study, which lasted six years (from 2001 to 2017) and involved 663 adults over the age of 60, found that individuals who consumed more mushrooms performed better in cognitive tests, as it decreased the chances of mild cognitive impairment; additionally, it was discovered that they had a faster processing speed.
The mushrooms that participants consumed during the years of the study included turkey tail, oyster, shiitake, white button, dried, golden, as well as canned, with portions of around 350 grams twice a week.
Researchers believe that ergotioneine, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory found in mushrooms that humans do not produce themselves, could yield better results when combined with nuts and certain fish, as well as with leafy greens and tea.
On the other hand, they also recommended a diet low in sugar and salt; furthermore, engaging in exercise, drinking in moderation, and avoiding smoking.
It seems that from now on, mushrooms could be considered a superfood, as they can inhibit the production of toxins, which, when accumulated in the brain, can develop diseases such as Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
Finally, another benefit is that preparing mushrooms is very easy and versatile, as you can mix them in salads, sandwiches, grilled, in quesadillas, sautéed, in broth, creams, Mexican-style, or with pasta; you could even substitute meat with mushrooms.
Need ideas to eat more mushrooms?
Mushroom Broth with EpazoteFried Mushroom QuesadillasCreamy Mushroom and Spinach Lasagna