

Home remedies to fight fever

Home remedies to fight fever

By Gretel Morales - 2021-08-17T17:05:04Z
The fever is one of those annoying ailments that afflict us when we get sick with the flu, although it has now become one of the main side effects of vaccination against COVID-19 and the disease itself. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, fever is the sudden increase in body temperature as a response to some illness. In adult patients, a temperature greater than 37.2 °C is considered fever.

In mild cases, fever can be treated with several home remedies, which are easy, quick, and very effective.

Home remedies against fever
If you have a slight fever and your case is not serious, try these home remedies, you'll feel much better right away.

Stay cool
One of the most effective ways to combat fever is to keep cool through the following methods:
  • Take a bath with lukewarm water. Remember that the water should not be hot, as this causes your temperature to rise.
  • Do not use too many blankets.
  • Wear light and cool clothing.
  • Drink cool or room temperature water.
  • Use a fan to circulate the air.
Make yourself a nice tea
According to experts, there are some teas that could help reduce fever. In the case of fever, it is recommended to drink a tea made from willow bark, as it contains a substance similar to aspirin.

Other natural teas used to treat fever include elderflower, catnip, flower of the plume, echinacea, and lemon balm.

Drink plenty of fluids
When the temperature rises, the body's natural reaction is to sweat to try to prevent the fever from increasing. Although this is a natural process and indicates that our body is fighting the infection, it also means that we are dehydrated and need to drink plenty of fluids. 

If you have a fever, it is most advisable to drink lots of water, as well as juices, energy drinks, soups, broths, tea, and other refreshing beverages. You will feel better right away.

Another effective remedy is to rest, since fever means that your body is fighting an infection, so resting will be vital to continue the fight and regain strength. Experts recommend sleeping at least eight hours and avoiding exercise, as such activities can raise your temperature even more.

If the fever persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is best to consult a healthcare professional, who will find the appropriate treatment to address this condition.