How to soothe a cough is one of the most frequently asked questions during the cold season, especially when respiratory diseases arise and persistent dry cough becomes a real problem. But don't worry, because you might find a great solution with these home remedies to relieve cough symptoms.
Hot honey with lemon Hot honey with lemon for cough is a natural remedy recommended by grandmothers, and its effectiveness is due to honey being a demulcent, coating and soothing the irritated area of the throat, as mentioned in a study conducted by the School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Lemon contains high levels of vitamin C and will help strengthen your immune system.
Ginger teaGinger for cough is a truly wonderful home remedy, as this incredible root possesses expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce phlegm produced during the flu. Enjoy a nice hot ginger infusion!
ThymeAnother great natural remedy to relieve cough symptoms is thyme, as in addition to being a delicious aromatic herb, thyme contains antioxidants that may be responsible for alleviating cough and throat irritation. You can prepare thyme tea and enjoy its benefits.
Black pepper teaAlthough it may surprise you, black pepper is a natural remedy against cough because it stimulates circulation and phlegm flow, thus relieving the throat. You can make black pepper tea and add a tablespoon of honey for better flavor.
Pineapple juice Pineapple is a sweet fruit full of nutrients, such as bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory and mucolytic properties that can reduce throat mucus and eliminate cough.
Chicken broth A
hot chicken broth could help you alleviate cough symptoms, in addition to strengthening your system since it contains protein and vitamins if combined with vegetables like carrot, potato, broccoli, green beans, and even ginger. If you add lemon juice, you will have more vitamin C.
Remember that before taking any natural remedy to relieve cough symptoms, you should consult your doctor for a better assessment.