This is a very versatile recipe, as with this recipe you can make a wide variety of cookies, from alfajores with nuts, chocolate, or cookies filled with jam.
On a plate, sprinkle powdered sugar and place the assorted cookies, to gift in a transparent box with a little tissue paper in the bottom and arrange them.
Always have a little more sifted flour in case the dough needs it; sometimes it depends a lot on the quality of the butter, which is why it may be lacking. To sprinkle the cookies with powdered sugar, I help myself with a small strainer, it is very
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Lulu Garcia
2019-10-22 07:21:58 +0000 +0000
Me gusta que no tenga tanta azúcar así se pueden disfrutar más y es muy buena idea con mermelada
Deisy García
2018-07-02 16:16:36 +0000 +0000
Muy buena la receta, pero la ise y me salieron nada mas que 10 alfajores, la verdad no rinde casi nada