Chocolate desserts will never be enough! That's why we created this Chocolate Bunny Gelatin recipe, which is the perfect creamy combination with chocolate and the special flavor of bunnies.
This creamy gelatin comes with a chocolate sauce that will give it that delicious touch that will make you want to eat a double slice. A great tip for this gelatin recipe is that to speed up the setting process, you can freeze the mixture for a few minutes, making sure it doesn’t freeze completely.
Decorate with sauce, bunnies, and shredded chocolate.
To speed up the setting process, you can freeze your gelatin for a few minutes, ensuring it doesn’t freeze.
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katty Wha
2024-05-11 14:02:41.912042 +0000 +0000
Se ve deliciosa gracias por compartir
Bi Tinoco
2022-01-02 15:52:32.616461 +0000 +0000
Convertí las tazas de chocolate a gramos usando Google. Omití las 3 tazas de leche ya que hubiera quedado casi sin sabor a chocolate y por ende use dos sobres menos de grenetina.
Comprar conejitos hubiera sido demasiado costoso así que compre chocolate con leche Turín que es lo mismo que el chocolate de conejo. Los conejos solo los compré para decorar.