This is an easy no-bake apple pie recipe, so making this dessert for any occasion will be very simple. Additionally, it is an economical pie, with easily accessible ingredients that we usually have at home. Enjoy this step-by-step process even with kids, and you can also make your own powdered sugar by blending some granulated sugar for 40 seconds. To ensure the cheese mixture maintains its consistency, it is important that the apple compote is completely cold.
In glasses decorated with apple and cookie crumbs.
You can make your own powdered sugar by blending some granulated sugar for 40 seconds. It is important that the apple compote is completely cold, so the cheese mixture does not lose its consistency.
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Tanny Marcela Calles Blanco
2020-03-16 15:01:02 +0000 +0000
Delicioso y fácil!!
Yolo Ledesma
2020-03-16 11:06:54 +0000 +0000
Aun no la hago pero creo que debe de estar rica y además fácil de hacer
Minna Muñoz Vivas
2020-03-13 23:02:13 +0000 +0000
Esta buenisima la receta. Voy a probarla. Se me ocurre que pudiese darle otra vuelta de turca y hacerlo helado
Leticia silos
2020-01-24 21:00:51 +0000 +0000
Apenas la voy a hacer
Elva Margarita Muñan
2020-01-22 21:34:53 +0000 +0000
Hola. Buenas. Noches. Perdón. Por. Q. No. Veo. Seguido. Sus. Recetas. Es. Porq. Trabajo. Mucho sus. Recetas súper. Me. Encanta. Todo y. Mucho todo. Todo. Me. Gusta. Muchas. Gracias. Me. Gustaría. Mucho. Tanvien. Guisos. Para. Diabéticos. Inpertensos oh. Guisos. Con. Rapidez es. Por. Q. Trabajo y. Yevarme. Mi. Comida. Preparada yprepararles. Amis. Hijos. Lo. Mismo aquí. En. Casa. Todos. Los. Tengo. Delicados. De. Salub perdone