2 Servings
Grams, liters
Ounces, pounds
Cups, Tablespoons
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1/4 cups Extra Especial® extra virgin olive oil with white truffle
2 portobello mushrooms
1 teaspoon Great Value® plain salt
2 burger buns
2 slices Gouda cheese
1 tablespoon Extra Special Olive Oil®
1/2 red onions, sliced
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
4 tablespoons Great Value® granulated sugar
1/4 cups orange bell pepper, cut into strips
1/4 cups baby arugula
2 tablespoons jocoque Extra Special® with fine herbs and garlic
2.11 onzas líquidas Extra Especial® extra virgin olive oil with white truffle
2 portobello mushrooms
0.22 onzas Great Value® plain salt
2 burger buns
2 slices Gouda cheese
0.51 onzas líquidas Extra Special Olive Oil®
0.5 red onions, sliced
0.51 onzas líquidas red wine vinegar
1.8 onzas Great Value® granulated sugar
1.39 onzas orange bell pepper, cut into strips
0.18 onzas baby arugula
1.03 onzas jocoque Extra Special® with fine herbs and garlic
0.25 cups Extra Especial® extra virgin olive oil with white truffle
2 portobello mushrooms
1 teaspoon Great Value® plain salt
2 burger buns
2 slices Gouda cheese
1 tablespoon Extra Special Olive Oil®
0.5 red onions, sliced
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
4 tablespoons Great Value® granulated sugar
0.25 cups orange bell pepper, cut into strips
0.25 cups baby arugula
2 tablespoons jocoque Extra Special® with fine herbs and garlic
6.25 centilitros Extra Especial® extra virgin olive oil with white truffle
2 portobello mushrooms
6.15 gramos Great Value® plain salt
2 burger buns
2 slices Gouda cheese
1.5 centilitros Extra Special Olive Oil®
0.5 red onions, sliced
1.5 centilitros red wine vinegar
51 gramos Great Value® granulated sugar
39.38 gramos orange bell pepper, cut into strips
5 gramos baby arugula
29.1 gramos jocoque Extra Special® with fine herbs and garlic
Nutritional information
* Information per 100g serving, percentage of daily values based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Carbohydrate, by difference
Total lipid (fat)
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