Bicep routine for women

This routine is designed to be done with minimal equipment, aiming to be completed at home or for individuals with limited time to exercise. The equipment needed for this type of training includes bands, dumbbells, ankle weights, and body weight. This training program will consist of three stages divided into warm-up, central phase, and recovery phase. A preliminary warm-up of 5 minutes will begin. The central phase will consist of two blocks of 3 exercises, with four rounds each (sets) having a micro-pause of 90 to 120 seconds at the end of each round, also considering a maximum micro-pause of 10 seconds when transitioning from one exercise to another, and a macro-pause of up to 3 minutes for recovery at the end of each block, with the recovery phase lasting approximately 10 minutes.

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Bicep routine for women

Step by Step

Paso 0
WARM-UP: it will consist of performing jumping jacks at a moderate speed, aiming for adequate joint lubrication and raising body temperature.
Paso 1
Isometric dumbbell curl at 90 degrees, simultaneous wrist supination for 20 seconds.
Paso 2
Simultaneous dumbbell elbow flexion with neutral wrist position and shoulder at a 90-degree position (you can anchor the band to a pole to perform this exercise) 15 repetitions.
Paso 3
CENTRAL PHASE (SECOND BLOCK): three exercises for the biceps brachii and brachialis will be performed.
Paso 4
Isometric standing elbow flexion with bands, simultaneous neutral wrist position and shoulder at a 90-degree position (you can anchor the band to a pole to perform this exercise) for 20 seconds.
Paso 5
Simultaneous dumbbell curl with wrist rotation while seated on a 90-degree bench.

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