Childhood Obesity and High Cholesterol

Until recently, it was common for grandmothers, aunts, and mothers to view children's "fatness" as something positive. Obesity was considered a sign that children were healthy and that they were eating "all the soup."

Childhood Obesity and High Cholesterol

Step by Step

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Nowadays you know this is not true. When you see an obese child, you recognize that something is wrong with their diet and physical activity. Childhood obesity can go hand in hand with elevated cholesterol levels in the blood. Keep reading to learn more about childhood obesity and its relationship with cholesterol.

Today, it is difficult to find someone who has NOT heard something related to childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is discussed in schools, in the news, on radio programs, and on websites. Even the First Lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, leads a national campaign to combat this scourge that affects 1 in 3 children in this country.

The sad thing is that childhood obesity has taken an impressive lead, but that does not mean it has won the battle. Childhood obesity does not come alone, and that is why it is necessary to tackle it from childhood. This is not a problem of aesthetics or vanity. It is a health issue that affects the entire body. Childhood obesity is accompanied by a series of friends that do not help your children's health. It is responsible for diseases that in the past were mostly associated with adults, such as elevated triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood, which are now frequently diagnosed in obese children.
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Overweight and Obesity

Before continuing with this topic, do you know the difference between obesity and overweight? Did you hesitate for a moment? I know you might confuse both concepts. Overweight refers to someone who weighs a lot, while obesity refers to excess fat. Pediatricians use weight and height to calculate the body mass index (BMI) based on certain formulas. They then use growth percentile charts that are specific to the child's age and sex to determine where they stand. These charts have several lines. For example, half of the children of the same age are in the 50th percentile. 25% are above that level and 25% are below that level. The charts refer to 100 healthy kids of that age, half of whom are taller and half are shorter, etc. It gives a range. The same applies to weight. When using the chart, there is a consistency between heights and weights.
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A child is said to be obese when their body mass index (BMI) is in the 95th percentile or higher, and they are considered overweight if their BMI reaches the 85th percentile but is less than 95. On the other hand, a child is at a normal weight if their BMI is between the 5th and 85th percentiles. Their weight is considered below normal if their BMI is below the 5th percentile.
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The use of the body mass index, although it is a good measure, is not perfect; occasionally, it can be misleading as it does not directly measure body fat. With BMI results, a muscular person may appear to be overweight, without it meaning they are, much less obese. This means they are a heavy person, but it does not imply they have high levels of body fat. In cases where there is doubt, the pediatrician may perform other tests such as measuring skinfolds, among others.
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Don't forget that obesity causes serious health problems

It is important for you to know that obesity only causes problems. There are no benefits associated with childhood obesity, which is why it is necessary to combat it as soon as possible. Among other things, childhood obesity can cause: type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), and elevated levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and triglycerides. For example, there are places like the United States where 20% of children have elevated bad cholesterol (LDL). You should consider that fat not only accumulates on the outside of the body but also inside the arteries. This can lead to serious cardiovascular problems.
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Cholesterol and Obesity: A Dangerous Pair

If parents understood that their obese child could develop elevated levels of bad cholesterol, they would surely take immediate action. What happens is that many of them, and maybe this is your case, do not fully understand what cholesterol is and why it is harmful to their children's health.
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Cholesterol is a substance produced by the liver that has a texture very similar to wax. This substance in excess accumulates in the walls of your arteries, hindering blood circulation and, in some cases, completely blocking it. Your body produces enough cholesterol for the processes where it is required. Your child's liver can produce up to 1,000 milligrams of cholesterol per day under normal conditions. Can you imagine if you add ice cream, sugary drinks, and cheeseburgers with bacon to this? All this without counting the hours your child spends in front of the TV or computer, without any physical activity each day.
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Don't wait for symptoms to appear that let you know about elevated cholesterol levels, as cholesterol, for a long time, is a silent enemy. Because of this, parents are not alert to their children's blood fat levels. If you take your child for regular check-ups, you will be able to notice increases and decreases in their blood cholesterol.

If your child suffers from childhood obesity, act as soon as possible. Do not wait for the pounds and fat to continue accumulating. Elevated cholesterol levels in the blood can cause serious problems for their heart and cardiovascular system later on. You can and must start this battle. Work hard with your children to ensure they follow a healthy diet and exercise, and you will be able to say goodbye to childhood obesity.

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