Discover why trans fats put your health at risk
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Discover why trans fats put your health at risk

By Gretel Morales - 2022-08-26T14:35:50Z
If you want to adopt a much more balanced and healthy diet, then you should pay attention when it comes to unsaturated fats, saturated fats, and trans fats, as these are present in many of the products we consume daily.  
There are good and bad fats. Among the good ones are unsaturated fats, which are found in foods like fish, nuts, seeds, and certain vegetables. Because they provide Omega-3 and other essential nutrients for good health, they can be consumed without any health risks, but we cannot say the same about saturated fats and trans fats; below we explain why.  

You can also read: Good fats and where to find them

What are trans fats? 

The U.S. National Library of Medicine categorizes trans fats as “the worst for your health,” as it explains that excessive consumption of this type of fat “increases your risk of heart disease and other health conditions.” 

Although foods like red meat and dairy contain trans fats in small amounts, they are present, in larger quantities, in processed foods, as “they are produced when food manufacturers convert liquid oils into solid fats, such as in the case of lard or margarine.”  

You can also read: Saturated fats: What are they and why are they harmful?

The dangers of trans fats 

Now that you know what trans fats are, we explain how they affect your health, according to the National Library of Medicine, as it is worth mentioning that, unlike unsaturated fats, this type of food does not provide benefits or nutrients.  

Experts indicate that excessive consumption of trans fats can jeopardize your health, as they increase your chances of suffering from heart disease for the following reasons: 
  • They raise bad cholesterol levels. 
  • They lower good cholesterol levels. 
  • High levels of bad cholesterol and low levels of good cholesterol can result in cholesterol buildup in the arteries, which could lead to a stroke or some heart disease. 
  • Being high in calories, they can lead to obesity
  • They increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes
You can also read: The healthiest foods for diabetics 

Foods that contain trans fat 

There is a wide variety of products that contain this type of fat, so it is ideal to carefully check the front labeling and nutritional information before putting something in your shopping cart. 

Experts indicate that products such as the following may contain trans fats
  • Junk food 
  • Fast food 
  • Fried food 
  • Cookies 
  • Battered and fried foods 
  • Lard and margarine 
  • Cakes 
  • Cake mix 
  • Pie crust 
  • Donuts 
On the other hand, the portal WebMD indicates that these products contain trans fats: 
  • Microwave popcorn 
  • Frozen pizza 
  • Potato chips 
  • Fried chicken 
  • Coffee cream substitute 
We know that giving up products you like can be difficult, but now that you are aware of this information, you can make better decisions regarding your diet, as you can consciously reduce trans fat consumption without demonizing certain foods.  

You can also read: The best teas to lower cholesterol

How to identify products with trans fat? 

The Medline Plus portal has shared very helpful information for those who seek to reduce or avoid the consumption of this ingredient: 

1. Pay attention to labels and packaging; check the total fat amount per serving. 

2. Look for the amount of trans fats per serving.  

3. Be cautious with the term "partially hydrogenated" in the ingredients.  

What do I do if I like to eat junk food? 

The best thing is to consult with a nutrition specialist to guide you and give you much healthier options. On the other hand, consider the recommendations made by the American Heart Association: 

1. Remember that, of your daily calorie intake, no more than 25% to 30% should come from fats. 

2. Reduce the consumption of saturated fats to less than 10% of your daily calorie intake.  

3. It is recommended to limit “the consumption of trans fats to less than 1% of your daily calories. For someone with a 2,000-calorie diet, that represents about 20 calories or 2 grams per day.” 