What better than a warm soup like the ones grandmothers used to make! This Chicken Pasta Soup recipe will have that flavor; it’s nutritious and an easy recipe for any moment, even when you have a cold.
A great tip is not to overcook the vegetables so they don’t become too mushy.
Do not overcook the vegetables; otherwise, they will become mushy. Look for vegetable or whole grain pasta options for a light and healthy recipe.
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Sughy Loreto
2020-06-27 16:03:01 +0000 +0000
Super rica, me encanto el sabor, gracias por compartirla, le encantó a mi familia
Ignacio Catalan
2019-10-24 14:16:03 +0000 +0000
Pésima la receta. Seguí las instrucciones y quedó incomible la sopa. Hay que sofreir la cebolla y el ajo primero. Tuve que hacer milagros para salvar la comida que tenía demasiado fuertor a cebolla.