Chest routine for men

This routine is designed to be done with minimal equipment, aiming to be performed at home or for people with little time to exercise. The equipment needed for this type of training is only bands, dumbbells, ankle weights, and body weight. This training program will consist of three stages divided into warm-up, central phase, and recovery phase. A preliminary warm-up of 5 minutes will be performed. The central phase will consist of two blocks of 3 exercises, with four rounds each (sets), having a micro-pause of 90 to 120 seconds at the end of each round, and a maximum micro-pause of 10 seconds when transitioning from one exercise to another; at the end of each block, a macro-pause of up to 3 minutes for recovery will be taken, and the recovery phase will last approximately 10 minutes.

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Chest routine for men

Step by Step

Paso 0
WARM-UP: consists of performing jumping jacks at a moderate speed aimed at proper joint lubrication and raising body temperature.
Paso 1
Horizontal bench press with dumbbells. Place your back on the bench, arching it slightly to lift more weight; your feet should be supported on your heels for greater momentum, pull the dumbbells towards your chest (15 repetitions)
Paso 2
CENTRAL PHASE (SECOND BLOCK): Three exercises targeting the pectoral area will be performed, involving clavicular, sternal, and costal fibers.
Paso 3
Press with resistance band. Place the band over a column at shoulder height, grasp the handles with palms facing down, push forward until the arm is fully extended (15 repetitions)
Paso 4
Pectoral fly with resistance band standing. Place the band over a column to simulate a crossover with a pulley, stretch your arms forward and pull back, keeping them extended at all times (15 repetitions)

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