Empanada Recipes

Sweet or savory, with shortcrust or puff pastry, fried or baked. In any of its varieties, empanadas are simply exquisite. Discover the touch that each culture applies across Spanish-speaking countries and choose the ideal version to delight your family. The origin of empanadas The term empanada comes from the Spanish “empanar,” which basically means “to enclose something in dough or bread for baking.” This preparation was created in times when various ingredients were placed in breads that shepherds and travelers carried to consume in the field. This custom gave rise to the idea of cooking the dough along with the filling, resulting in what we know today as Italian calzones, Galician empanadas, British Cornish pasties, and derivatives like Turkish börek and Arab fatayer. Therefore, we can conclude that the empanadas as we enjoy them today in Ibero-America come from Europe and the Middle East. The varia
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